In the haunting landscape of "Lost in Shadows," a child navigates a depressing and eerie dreamland. The backdrop is tinged with shades of ominous orange and somber grey, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear. The surreal scene captures the poignant struggle of a lost dreamer in a disconcerting and shadow-laden dreamscape.
Vendor: | Craftico Creations |
Type: | Handmade Painting |
Step 1: Choose Art Type: | Full Handmade, Semi Handmade |
Step 2: Choose Painting Size (in Inches): | 24*24, 30*30, 36*36, 42*42, 48*48 |
Step 3: Choose Frame Type: | Artwork on Canvas (No Frame), Stretched on Wood (Borderless Frame), Box Frame, Floating Frame |
Weight:: | 0.5 kg |